My current project is building horseshoes pits in the backyard. Rather than pounding the stake in the ground and dumping some sand around it (my original pits), I decided it was time to do it right.
I built two 3-sided pit boxes. We recently replaced the top rails on our deck so I reused those 2 x 6's for the pit boxes.
I found a level area in the yard and stuck one stake in the ground. I measured 40 ft. and stuck in the other stake. After laying the boxes and centering the stake, I spray painted the ground where the boxes will go.
Next, dig each pit and lay your box in it. I dug each pit probably around 4-5" deep.
Next I laid weed blocking fabric and stapled down the outer edges leaving the middle unstapled in order to put in the stakes.
I bought a 4-pack of corner braces, screwed them in and spray painted them with some black Rustoleum
For the stakes, I bought two small 5-quart plastic paint buckets
and a 40lb. bag of quick setting Sakrete. I set the stakes in the buckets with the concrete and buried them. Hopefully I'll never have to worry about the stakes moving during gameplay.
I filled around the stake buckets with dirt, unfolded the weed blocking fabric and stapled it down. I also supported the inside of the box with a few 1ft. pieces of rebar pounded into the ground. Along the back I used 4 pieces of rebar for support on the outside of the box.
I bought a few bags of paver sand and then topped that with play sand. I dug the pits pretty deep so I'll need some more sand.